56-year-old Hugh Jackman debuted a new look, greatly surprising his devoted fans. Recently, he shared a video on social media showing how he typically celebrates the end of filming — by visiting the barber. Hugh, who had just finished filming the musical Song Sung Blue, inspired by the music of Neil Diamond and co-starring Kate Hudson, posted a video of himself getting his sideburns shaved off. The song No Words by Neil Diamond played in the background, and a cheerful Hugh seemed unfazed as he parted with his hair.
“Traditional shave with wrap!” he joked in the caption. “Thanks to everyone who has been and will be part of this amazing film. More details soon. Kate Hudson, you’re one of them,” he added.
Jackman had grown out his sideburns to resemble Neil Diamond for his new film. Based on the 2008 documentary Song Sung Blue by Greg Koch, the movie tells the true story of Mike and Claire, a couple of musicians who become an incredibly successful Neil Diamond tribute band.
The actor’s transformation comes amid reports that the Wolverine star may spend Christmas away from his children due to rumors of a new relationship with actress Sutton Foster. It is reported that the Australian actor wanted to introduce his new girlfriend to his children — Oscar, 24, and Ava, 19 — but his ex-wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, is against the idea.
“His family will need more time to adjust to Hugh’s new life, which he’s chosen to share with Sutton. They’ll have less time for each other during the holidays,” an insider told Woman’s Day.
The source claims that Deborra-Lee feels Hugh is now completely absorbed in his new romantic story, but she “invested too much in their marriage” and doesn’t want a stranger at Christmas.
“It’s a fine line, and he feels like he’ll have to spend less time with his kids this year,” the insider added.
The source also mentioned that Hugh and Sutton are currently trying to keep their relationship private. Last month, reports emerged that Hugh’s close relationship with 49-year-old Broadway star Sutton contributed to the breakdown of his long-term marriage with Deborra-Lee.