Lynn Ban, known for her role on Bling Empire: New York, tragically passed away just weeks after a skiing accident that left her hospitalized with a brain bleed. Her son, Sebastian, shared the devastating news this morning, announcing that she passed away on Monday.
The jewelry designer had shared a post in December, showing her head shaved and stitched after the accident that occurred on Christmas Eve in Aspen, Colorado. In her post, Lynn explained she had face-planted after catching a tip while skiing, but thankfully was wearing a helmet at the time.
Following the crash, Lynn was rushed to the hospital, where a CAT scan revealed a brain bleed, leading to an emergency craniotomy. Despite the severity of the situation, she expressed hope for a long recovery, thanking the medical staff who cared for her.
Lynn is survived by her son, Sebastian, and her husband, Jeff Kain. She was 52 years old.